So I have been a little busy lately! Between teaching, coaching, and the usual activities I have had no time to blog. Quite a bit has happened in the last 3 months. First of all, Wylie Jade turned 6 on September 14th. To celebrate she decided that she wanted to have her closest friends over for a sleepover, which I have provided a few pictures below of the event. I think she had a good time celebrating her birthday.
I finished coaching volleyball for the season, which we ended with a record of 5-2. Not too bad, although it should have been better. Josh is busy with concession stands, video taping football games, and has had quite a few conferences. Gunnar is plugging along with school. All of his progress reports have came back to us with straight A's. Josh and I are really proud of him for that, especially considering his lack of excitement for school. Gunnar refers to school as prison.
The kids had a good time trick or treating this year and at the local Neewollah Festival. Randi and Jillian came over for the festivities.
The kids and I drove over to my dad's to visit. We had a great time and I got some good pictures of the kids playing on the swings in the backyard. I got to play cards with my brother, Dad, and Cindy. And the next day we went to see Christmas Carol, which my sister Chris came to watch with us and eat lunch.

Wylie was so excited for her birthday, she couldn't wait to turn six.

She asked for a white cake with pink frosting and those sugar decorations that I have to say do not taste very good.

The sleepover group! I am pretty sure Josh and I lost some hearing due to all the screaming. Ha! Ha!

Wylie, Halle, and Reese have known each other since they were 2 years old because of daycare. They are now in kindergarten together, but they all have different teachers, which is probably a good thing.
Halloween night!

G.I. Joe, Black Cat, and Sorcerer. Gunnar obviously not wanting to get his picture taken.

The kids came back with lots of candy, although we had so many Trick-or-
Treater's that we had to give some of their candy away! I know we had over 100 trick-or-
treater's, but I am not sure the exact number. The lady who lives a block behind us had 180 kids show up at her door.

Miss Black Cat

Randi, Jillian, Wylie, and I waited in line for an hour again this year to get the girls' face painted.
I still think the wait was worth it.

Wylie picked the cat face to go with her costume for Trick-or-Treating.

I took this picture of Wylie at a pumpkin patch over by Pittsburgh. I wish I had more pictures from there, but my camera ran out of batteries like five minutes after I arrived.

My dad has a big backyard with a couple of swings that he made and a big tree that used to have a tree house in it. It was a perfect
opportunity for some pictures...even good pictures of

I have to say Wylie is pretty easy to photograph...she is more than willing to pose for a picture.
Gunnar loves that swing!

Wylie prefers the swing with the good seat.

My favorite picture of the day. It's hard to get a good picture of the kids together.